Our Business Partnership category is for businesses and organisations whose business type and activities align with the business of Wexford Food.

They are defined as service providers who provide vital services to our members.

Suitable for the following company types:

– Food Safety Consultants, Food Training, Food Catering Equipment, Food Transport, Warehousing, Storage, Logistics

– Professional service providers such as Recruitment Agencies, Insurance companies, Business Advisory services

– Food Marketing, Food PR, Food Media, Food Publishing,  Website Design, Digital Marketing Companies, Printers

– Food Festivals, Food Events

This list is not exhaustive so if your company is interested in joining The Wexford Food Producers Network CLG as a Business Partner, please complete our application form online. We look forward to working with your business!

Partnership Criteria:

The proposed Business Partner company is registered with the Companies Registration Office in the Republic of Ireland

The proposed Business Partner company can be located anywhere in the Republic of Ireland

The proposed Business Partner company offers a service which is aligned to the requirements of our membership

Application Form

The cost of 2024 Business Partnership is €350.00 and is valid for 12 months.


We’ve been members of the Wexford Food Family since 2011. The benefits that we’ve got over the years are huge. A conversation with another member at a meeting has often delivered the solution to a problem. We’ve teamed up with fellow members at different activities and courses, we’ve got great inspiration from the market study trips and definitely some of our listings have come through the Official Supporters programme. We would say every producer should be a member and to get the benefits out of the group you need to get involved.


Tom & Laura Sinnott, Wexford Home Preserves

The Wexford food family is a great network of people who share their knowledge and experiences willingly and help each other wherever possible.


Mary Regan, Regan Organic Poultry